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Property Details
Pin#: -- | Sq. Ft.: --
Municipality: --
Community Area: --
Ward: -- Census Tract: --
Distance from parcel:
Developer Details
Zone(s): --
Connected Communities Eligibility: --
The Connected Communities Ordinance expands existing TOD incentives to create jobs, build more homes and businesses, increase housing affordability, improve street and sidewalk safety, and encourage walking, biking and rolling near train stations and bus routes. Learn more »
Qualified Development Areas
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Connected Communities Ordinance
TIF District
Qualified Census Tract
Difficult to Develop Area
IRS Opportunity Zone
NMTC Designated Area
Development Scenario
Residential Units: --
Affordable Units: -- (--%)
Non-Residential Space: -- sq. ft
Parking Spaces: --
Demographic Trends
Show demographic data for:
% Change
Sources: U.S. Census 2000, Summary File 1 and 3; American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates 2006-2010 and 2018-2022
Community Impacts
Growing near transit benefits us all.
By building new opportunities for people of all incomes to live, work and shop near transit in neighborhoods across the city, we can grow Chicago and give more Chicagoans excellent access to high-quality schools, jobs, retail and parks.
Impacts to community
Edit a building plan to see how it will impact the community.
More housing units and more people living in an area increases local retail sales, transit use and tax revenue.
Resident's Purchasing Power$--
The overall purchasing power, for the purposes of this tool, is the total income of the households minus the rent they are paying.
On-site Jobs--
Development near transit helps to create jobs and provides people with better access to jobs across the city and region.
Annual Local Retail Spending$--
New development brings more residents and workers who will frequent the local businesses, spending money that will remain in the neighborhood.
Tax revenue (over 10 years)--
Tax revenue supports the public services that keep our city running: schools, streets, police officers, parks and transit.
Annual transit trips--
People who live and work near public transportation are far more likely to use buses and trains, as well as walk and bike.
Residential Parking Used--%
On-site parking is often required for development projects, but people who live near transit are less likely to drive. The building design has 0 spaces allocated for residential use - or -- spaces per dwelling unit. Non-residential parking is difficult to predict and is not estimated in the ETOD tool.
Reduced GHG from Driving-- kg/year
A household's need to drive is affected by both location and household make up. The likely tenants in this building will drive less than similar households in non-transit enhanced locations, producing greenhouse gases (GHG).
Transit Benefits
Location affects daily transit needs. See how your site's location compares to the average TOD site near transit and the average non-TOD site without transit nearby.
Transit Score
Your Site
AllTransitTM Performance Score
Avg. TOD
The AllTransit Performance score is an overall transit score (10 point scale) of how well public transit serves this neighborhood. It looks at access to transit stops, frequency of service to those stops, and what can be accessed once on the transit. The location you have selected has a score of 9.4.
Job Access
Your Site
Total jobs are accessible within a 30-minute transit trip.
Avg. TOD
A building at -- has transit access to -- -- jobs than an average TOD location and -- -- jobs than an average non-TOD location in Cook County.
Transportation Costs
Your Site
Transportation costs per month per household
Avg. TOD
Residents living at Your Site would spend -- more/less on transportation costs than those in who live in an average TOD location and -- more/less than those in an average non-TOD location in Cook County.
Auto Reliance
Your Site
0.73 vehicles
Average number of vehicles owned per household
Avg. TOD
Residents living at Your Site would be -- more/less reliant on a vehicle than those in who live in an average TOD location and -- more/less reliant than those in an average non-TOD location in Cook County.